Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 5 of bed rest

Well it's roughly 6 pm - so I guess I can almost count today as over. It's actually been a pretty decent day. My mom's here to keep me company - so that's helping - because I have someone to talk to all day long. Not that my cell phone isn't ringing off the hook since I'm working from home.

Today the baby has been kicking me. Yesterday she was kicking so low that I found myself googling "baby kicking low" and "cerclage failure" for an hour. I haven't been on bed rest long enough to have lost my mind, however, I am definitely beginning to feel the start of cabin fever. For example, I haven't been outside in 5 days. I look out the window  - but it's been too chilly to go out. Even if I did go out - I can't really go much further than the yard. I did find some cool bedrest t-shirts on - 4 reasons prison is better than bed rest :

  1. daily showers
  2. conjugal visits
  3. An hour of exercise
  4. An hour outside every day 
If 10 weeks from now - I'm still on bed rest and I haven't lost my sanity - I'm definitely buying that t-shirt. I've also been working on keeping busy. I've got more than enough gadgets and television and I can even crochet. I have knitting needles - but after 30 minutes of trying to copy a youtube how-to video on how to knit - I've pretty much discovered that it isn't for me! From time to time I'll post some links to things that have really helped me out. My first item is the most awesome tray that my husband bought for me : 

I'm absolutely loving it. It has 3 joints so it can configure to any height you need. Well that's enough rambling for one day...I'm going to count today as a win in the bedrest battle!

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