Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 12 of bedrest - just me and my thoughts

Honestly, I'm doing better on bedrest than I expected. Of course it's still modified bedrest - but I try to spend as much of it horizontal as possible. It's kind of weird that I haven't left the house except to go to the hospital for my doctor appointments and 17p injections. I'm feeling the baby kicks more and more every day. We're getting so close to viability - I'm starting to get excited :) I can't wait to start shopping for a crib and buying the baby bedding. The baby does kick on a fairly regular basis - so that's comforting. I'm pretty much ready to pack away the doppler.

On a sadder note, one of my pregnancy buddies on one of the forums I'm on just lost her baby at 19 weeks :( It was a painful reminder of how fragile pregnancies really are. At the second trimester, you've sort of gotten over that hump and you expect everything to be ok. My heart really goes out to her, as she's had multiple losses. Every now and then if I go more than a few hours feeling the baby ... I start getting antsy. I've managed to resist the urge to poke my belly to wake the baby up! i've had luck shifting to my side to get the little one to move.

So not too much to say today except, I'm still hanging in there living on my couch - and taking "trips" to the back yard! For now... this cyster lives to fight PCOS another day!

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