Friday, April 29, 2011

29 weeks pregnant, oh so tired, and nesting with a credit card!

I don't know when it happened but my energy just upped and disappeared. Funny enough, I often feel like my pregnancy symptoms are self fulfilling prophecies. If I read that fatigue is common in the 3rd trimester, then I find myself getting tired, it seems like maybe I'm just tired because I expect to be tired.

That being said, I've crocheted more blankets and booties than I care to admit. I've actually graduated to nesting with my credit card! In two weeks, I've bought the stroller, car seat, bassinet, crib, changing table/dresser, crib mattress, wall decals, and a few baby outfits. I'm so ready to have all the stuff that the baby needs. I still don't feel that big, but I have a feeling that my energy is quickly dissipating. I'm now kind of obsessed with making sure I have everything sorted out in the next 4 weeks because I'm getting a lot slower!

I wanted to post a little bit about the stroller I got. I haven't had a chance to test it out with a baby in it - but I'm absolutely loving it. I fell in love with it because it has the lay-flat bassinet option and I just love that look. Here's the stroller I got. It's all extremely easy to use. Everything has easy buttons and clicks to drop things in and pull things out. It took all of 10 minutes to assemble all of it. For reference, this is the Britax B-Ready Stroller. I just have to add the caveat, I'm a mom to be - and have no idea as to how it will hold up, but this thing has a TON of features.

All in all, I've had a pretty uneventful week. I guess I shouldn't complain about being asymptomatic.  I've been doing kick counts, although this baby is so active - it's barely necessary. It rarely takes me more than 10 minutes to hit my 10 kicks. The only crappy thing is that she's been giving me kicks on my bladder. That has sent me dashing to the bathroom plenty of times.

Sorry for the all over the place post... my pregnancy brain is kicking in - in full effect.

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