Sunday, April 17, 2011

My mental battles with bedrest

I can't believe it's been 5 days since my last post! I admit, I've had a rough couple of days. I've still been doing the work from home thing - but the work has been crazy. It's weird having a hard day at work while you're lying on the couch! Also, I just celebrated the passing of the micro-preemie status. I know this is a little celebrated milestone, but for me who is in fear of having a preemie, I feel better knowing we have a chance of having a preemie with better odds.

Also, it seems that now the baby has really started growing. I just feel like I'm being stretched in all directions.  I don't really ever feel comfortable. If I lie on my back I feel heavy and uncomfortable. If I lie on my side, my baby wakes up - and thumps the side I"m sleeping on. I tend to wake up several times a night. I know they say this is preparation for those sleepless nights with a newborn - but wow - it's already taking its toll on me.

Another thing that's frustrating me is that although as the day passes, my risk factors decrease, I have this unshakeable fear. It's not associated with anything I've been feeling physically. In fact, this pregnancy feels great. My baby moves frequently, I have had no spotting, no cramps, and barely any contractions. Yet, after a second trimester miscarriage, waiting 5 years for a BFP, a harrowing IVF cycle, a failed fresh IVF cycle, finally getting pregnant, my cervix shortening, and now failing a glucose tolerance test... I feel like its delusional to think that this pregnancy will work out without complications. Of course my mom says things will be fine - and just be positive, but it's hard not to remember all of the things that can go wrong. I try not to let my emotions drift too far in that direction, because I think mental stress gets transferred to the baby.

On top of everything I feel lonely. Not lonely in the sense of not being around people. I've been very lucky, friends have come to visit me, my mom spent 6 weeks with me, my husband spends lots of time with me and I have people staying with me when he's not around. But I miss my life. I miss my freedom. I miss the things I used to do. I even miss some simple basic things, like being able to go upstairs whenever I wanted to. I am not afraid that my life will change after this baby comes, but I'm afraid I'll lose myself. I feel like I've been pregnant since July (when I started all the IVF stuff). I will literally go a year having given up my body by the time our baby comes.  I plan to exclusively breastfeed, so I know to some degree I'm still giving up my body for at least 6 months after that.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining as such. I have absolutely no regrets and I would never change my mind about having this baby or future ones - but I have to admit, this whole process has taken quite the mental toll on me. Sorry for the rambling thoughts today... I was having trouble focusing! Must be my pregnant brain!

1 comment:

  1. It must be incredibly tough being on bed rest, especially getting used to the whole idea. Although, like you said, it's worth it!
