Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Failing my glucose tolerance test - score 1 for PCOS

Well, I failed my glucose tolerance test that I took last week. I was actually kind of disappointed. The nurse tried to console me, telling me that I didn't exactly bomb it. Normal is under 140, pre-diabetic is 141-199, and diabetic is over 200. I scored 179. I didn't exactly feel good about that. I'm not entirely surprised, since I have PCOS and already have slightly elevated insulin levels.

I tell you though, I seriously thought I had a chance at beating it. This pregnancy has been so weird... I haven't been on metformin since 12 weeks. Even then my compliance wasn't that great. The thing that gave me hope was that I really haven't gained much with this pregnancy. At 24 weeks I was up maybe 6 pounds. I gained another 3 pounds or so in the next 2 weeks. That's not that bad - especially for a woman with PCOS. I've also noticed that my fat stores have actually decreased. My "tires" on my sides as my DH so fondly calls them actually shrank and disappeared. I was never really hungry and for once it seemed like my metabolism was actually working. But ugh.. alas it was short lived. 

The process for the 1-hour test isn't bad at all. I didn't have to fast or anything. I ate a light breakfast and made my way to the OB. Of course I spent too much time reading google about the test, and women talking about feeling nauseas, or hating the syrup. Fortunately the drink was given to me cold. It tastes like a cheap store-brand knock-off Fanta. I drank it in just a minute or two and then let the nurse know I was done. I waited an hour. Fortunately I also met a midwife and had a regular checkup during the appointment. So that passed the time some. Finally it was time and I got my blood drawn. That wasn't too bad but I wished the woman would have used a butterfly needle. I hate the traditional needles they like to use - they simply hurt my arms. After that.. I went home.

So now I have to wait for the doctor to send me my paperwork so I can go and do the 3-hour glucose tolerance test. It literally takes 4 hours in total... so I'm going to plan to spend my day in a lab getting my blood drawn every hour. I sincerely hope I pass this and don't get diagnosed as having gestational diabetes...

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