Tuesday, May 10, 2011

68 days in bed... and still counting

I honestly didn't think I'd make it this long and still have my sanity. I've been in bed for roughly 2 months and 1 week. I still have at least 5 more weeks to go! Fortunately my bed rest is modified, so I can get up to go to the bathroom and get out to go to the doctor (YAY! The highlight of my weeks). The hardest part of this has been giving up my freedom. I simply can't get up and do the things I used to do. Sometimes, there's food I want or something I'd love to go to Target to get. I can't :( My shopping is now done online - which is ok, but I never realized how much I missed pushing a shopping cart. I'm also eager to nest, but I can only do things at the pace at which I can get help. Ugh...

That being said, I have this little baby inside of me who now kicks constantly. It's a pleasant albeit sometimes uncomfortable feeling. It's that physical confirmation that she's still inside of me - and we're still on the path to success. All in all - I'm doing ok - but this sure isn't easy. When all is said and done, I'll have done at least 15 weeks on bed rest!!

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