Wednesday, June 8, 2011

1 injection to go, 1 peri appointment to go, 7 days to freedom

I thought it might be fun to tally up some numbers for this epic pregnancy of mine. I'm 35 weeks pregnant, 15 weeks ago my cervix made a run for the south border. At 12 weeks pregnant I got a cerclage put in to reinforce my cervix. Since then I've been subjected to 15 weekly 17p injections in my butt.  I've had a total of 7 cervical ultrasounds every 2 weeks since then. I've had 12 acupuncture sessions. I've had a total of 27 ultrasounds and 2 surgeries. I've take over 200 pills, and put nearly 50 suppository pills up my nether regions. I've injected myself close to 100 times. I've had 44 eggs harvested from me, 17 frozen and put in the bank, 15 used for fertilization, 6 embryos arose from that fertilization, 1 was lost to a failed implantation, 2 used for a frozen cycle and 1 successfully implanted. I have spent 115+ days on bed rest on my couch. All this to lay my eyes on one baby!


  1. Wow! That's a lot of statistics! You've come a long way!! 3 days until you're cerclage comes out!! How exciting!!! I want to know how it goes, b/c I'm right behind you! Let the baby watch begin! =)

  2. Wow, that's a lot of stats, but congratulations on your soon to be here baby!

  3. Amber - wow - we are dead on both due at the same time!! I'll be watching your blog for progress too.

    Smallworld - thanks so much :)
