Friday, February 21, 2014

Been quiet but all is still well.

Yes I still feel just like this - combined with the insomnia pic in the last post. Truthfully  - I'm struggling to stay functional. I don't know if it's because I crossed the magical 35 years old but this pregnancy is kicking my butt and I'm barely through the first trimester. I'm constantly fatigued but it's difficult to sleep. I get voracious hunger but want to hurl if I eat too much. I've got insane cravings for the strangest things - today was buffalo hot sauce with a greek salad ! Yesterday I ate 4 portions of greek salad - no dressing - for dinner! I'm actually just dying to have one day where I feel normal. I'd even settle for semi-normal. Add to that the international move planning and I just feel like a total wreck. I won't post much today - I'll just sign off saying - I found the baby's HB on the doppler.... so that should hold me through till my next scan on Wednesday!

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