Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 4 of the 10 day 2WW wait after my first IVF and ET

Ok - so this totally sucks. I've never been one to be obsessive about every possible symptom - but it's hard for your mind not to wander. I keep telling myself - even if I see something promising, I can't take it as definitive - so there's no reason to pay attention. So far I've had a bad dizzy spell 1 day after my transfer. I've also had some fluttering down there that has gone on for about a full day. I'd sort of call it really mild cramps!

I'm freaked out about sleeping on my stomach, but my bum is still sore from the PIO shots. Shamefully I've started taking my temperature, but this is useless since I didn't track my temperature through the full cycle.

7 more days until I test - I'm not going to do a self test. I don't want any of the agony associated with falsely positive or falsely negative tests.


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