Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Just 3 days to go

It's so weird waiting for my surgery. My head is filled with pre-surgery details, thoughts about the mass, trying to plan for afterwards, trying to understand how I will cope without being able to carry my little one, etc.

Yesterday I picked up my prescriptions. I thought it would be only my flagyl ( meds to make me crap water) but they gave me my pain killers as well - lortab. I've never taken it before but I assume it's like oxy, Percocet, Vicodin and any of their cousins.

My mother arrives tomorrow and I also start the liquid diet for bowel prep tomorrow. Sheesh! I think wednesday will be ok. It's Thursday with only Gatorade and flagyl that will be questionable! Anyway nothing major to post - just wanted to check in and jot down some thoughts.

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