Thursday, May 31, 2012

Went back to the endocrinologist... why is this feeling so familiar?

So I'm beginning to feel like I'm surrounded by doctors again. When I was going through my fertility treatment and then the high risk pregnancy - I found myself under the care of 3 doctors at once - at any given time. And yet here it feels like I'm in the same situation again ( OB, oncologist, endocrinologist and I'm headed to see my reproductive endocrinologist next week).

Today I went to my endocrinologist to get a follow up for my PCOS. I realize that pretty much after I got diagnosed, I started working on my fertility - so I've always been under the care of a fertility specialist. Pretty much since 2008. This will be the first time that I'm dealing with my PCOS while not TTC.

My appointment went well. The endo pretty much pointed out that I don't have any significant outward visible symptoms that I'm hormonally off. She didn't mean to say that my PCOS isn't there - she was just indicating that at least I don't have a lot of visual symptoms. She ordered up a complete set of bloodwork for me. I even got a saliva cortisol test which she said was for my adrenal glands.... I don't know what that all means - but it sounds thorough enough. I know she's doing a work up for my thyroid as well. Interesting that the saliva test needed to be done at midnight on the night before you go in for the fasting blood work.

She mentioned that she'll decide if I need to go back on metformin after she gets my bloodwork done. I guess it makes sense that I'm doing this now as I still wait for my MRI next week. No harm in getting all my goodies checked out. It's 7 days until my MRI...... I can't wait - the anticipation is so frustrating :(

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