Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 2 of the 2WW ( err 10 day ) Round 2

Well..... a few thousand dollars later and I've paid to have 2 more eggs dropped my belly to hope for the best. This time I had a FET cycle instead of a IVF cycle and I definitely liked it better. I'm still nicknaming myself a fish because they got 44 eggs out of me. Initially I thought I got only 6 embryos and that 2 had died. Turns out only 1 died - which is awesome because it means I spent 1 egg on IVF, 2 eggs on this cycle, and still have 2 frozen embryos left. Then even better - I still have 17 eggs in the bank!

Anyway I took the whole week as a work from home to try and keep my stress levels down. I did acupuncture for this cycle to help calm my nerves. Plus the research says it helps.

My transfer went off without a hitch. In fact it almost seemed too easy. Last time the doctor had to go digging for my cervix! Now it's pretty much up to my embryos and my womb to play nice and give me a BFP. I go back to work tomorrow, but I hate the waiting. After all I have no control over anything. The progesterone has given me a progesterack. And for those of you who are wondering what that is - well I jacked the term from another woman's post on another forum. It's pretty much your breasts after being on progesterone. Mine are HUGE!

I can only help that the relaxed nature of this cycle and using more than 1 egg will increase my odds of getting pregnant.

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