Wednesday, November 7, 2012

In the 2WW and had my IVF consult

So in case I haven't mentioned - my cycles are now completely regular. They are actually a perfect 28/29 days apart. Which is awesome for TTC I guess. Of course, I'm not sure if they are truly ovulatory but I've got too much going on to start temping or using ovulation kits. DH and I decided to go ahead and make a half-assed attempt at TTC. So I went and calculated my fertile days and we DTD right when we were  supposed to. Now I can't test until next week Friday - but here I am wondering if I'm preggo.

I have never paid too much attention to 2ww symptoms. When I had my BFN - I had every early symptom. When I had my BFP - I had no symptoms. Yet here I am looking at my body and wondering what's going on. For starters - several days after we DTD, I had some crazy fatigue. I could barely stay awake. I felt off like I had a flu or something and that lasted 24 hours. Fast forward a few more days - and I have had some crazy cervical mucus. There's just more of it and its consistency was - well different. Maybe stringy and long? I dunno - I've never understood describing cervical mucus. So armed with those non-definitive symptoms, I'm allowing myself to at least think it's possible I could be pregnant!

Now as for the IVF consult - that was straight forward. I have 2 blastocysts and 17 eggs. I asked about gender selection but my clinic doesn't do it anymore. We're planning to do a cycle next year May or so. So it's either we get preggo on our own - or we fork out more cash, stick 2 embies in me and see what we get! Sheesh! The crazy ride begins again.

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